he asked.

A friend posed a seemingly simple question, which I failed to answer confidently (or actually totally failed to answer), and it got me thinking for a long time (it’s been a week plus).
What are you passionate about?
Now, take a minute to think about it.
Do you have an answer to it?

But first and foremost, what is the definition of passion?
pas⋅sion /ˈpæʃən/
Show Spelled Pronunciation [pash-uhn] –noun

But then again, how into something must you be, before you can declare proudly that you’re passionate about it? Must there be a certain amount of money, time, blood, sweat and tears spent on it, before you can consider it a passion of yours?
I’ve always prided myself to be somewhat of laid back, moderate kind of guy. My motto has always been ‘Try everything once, and then do it again if I like it.‘